Note to English Speaking Clients
In 1995 I graduated with a Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University, a postgraduate university accredited by the APA (American Psychological Association), which has a special emphasis on multicultural and ethical subjects.
From 1994 to 1995 I was counselor in training at the Southern California Counseling Center, which provides counseling services in the greater Los Angeles community.
In 1995 my family and I moved back to Frankfurt, Germany, where I worked as a counselor at one of the major rehabilitation clinics in the Rhein-Main-Region (Salus-Klinik).
In March 2007 I opened my own private practice for psychotherapy, counseling and coaching. July July 2008 – April 2019 I worked additionally as a coach for a German bank headquartered in Frankfurt/M (Employee Assistance Program). Further professional activities include supervision courses, prevention seminars, management programs as well as post gradual courses at Würzburg University.
In 2011 I founded an interdisciplinary practice Lösungsräume am Goetheplatz, right in the centre of Frankfurt. Here I work together with 8 collegues, one of them my American collegues, Jason Kelley, Ph.D. / Pacifica Graduate Institute and Christopher Malone, PsyD.
Talking about the content of my work I have experience as a psychotherapist in the following specializations: alcohol prevention, depression-, trauma-, and panic-disorders, as well as the treatment of burn-out syndrom, mobbing, and stress related psychosomatic problems (headaches, pain, etc.). This experience enables me to offer target focussed individual therapies in private practice. My special interest lies in EMDR therapies.
From 2005 -2020 I had together with my husband my own coaching business (KarriereGPS). As part of this I have been continually participating in career related workshops in Germany as well as the US and given annual pathfinder workshops at FIS (Frankfurt Interational School).
I have been married for over 30 years, lived in the USA for altogether 10 years, know how it is and feels to be an expatriate. In the meantime I am well integrated into the German healthcare, counseling and coaching system as outlined above and will hopefully be able to offer you coaching or psychotherapy on highest standards.
Please feel free to contact me under
I am happy to talk to you and to make an appointment.
Annette Söling-Hotze